How Animals Sleep by Millicent Selsam TW371

How Animals Sleep by Millicent Selsam

How Animals Sleep by Millicent Selsam

How Animals Sleep by Millicent Selsam, original title A Time To Sleep, Scholastic paperback printing, TW371, 64 pages. Illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats.

DESCRIPTION: “How does a giraffe sleep? How do elephants sleep? Does a goldfish really sleep? Do you want to be an expert on how animals sleep? In this book you can find out how twenty-four kinds of animals sleep.” (from the back cover)

About vintagescholastics

I love these old Scholastics! I am a bookseller, writer, and dog-lover; live at the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains of New York with my computer-programmer husband. We love motor-cycle riding, renovating our old camp on Lake Desolation, gardening, and researching our genealogy. The purpose of this blog is to highlight those beloved old books from the Scholastic Book fairs from 1950 - 1979. This will serve as a catalogue of the books, with their identifying numbers, a plot summary, and a photo of the cover; with a searchable index. I want to give all of the writers and illustrator's bios so they get credit (many were writers in the summer while on vacation from their regular schoolteaching jobs.; some are lesser known efforts by very famous people; and some are reprinted classics.) Hopefully, their fans will be able to identify favorite titles with snipets of remembered information. We will always be adding new ones, and welcome your submissions
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